After FIFA, the short film of the Théâtre Incliné will be part of the program of
FCVQ – Festival de cinéma de la Ville de Québec – and for an international first at VAF – Viborg International Animation Festival in Viborg (Danemark).
Clair/Obscur at FCVQ
Musée de la civilisation de Québec – Auditorium Roland-Arpin
September 11, 2022 at 5 :15 in official selection in the “Illumination” series
More infos : https://fcvq.ca/programmations/clair–obscur
Chiaroscuro at VAF
International/European Premiere (Danemark)
September 28, 2022 in the category «Short Experimental Competition»
More infos : https://www.animationsfestival.dk/events/vaf-short-experimental-competition-program-2/
Trailer: https://vimeo.com/539224242
Congratulations to all the creators and thank you to our distributor SPIRA
Production: Théâtre Incliné
Direction: Elias Djemil-Matassov
Screen Play: Elias Djemil-Matassov, Elizabeth Crispo, Jean-Philippe Nadeau Marcoux
Cast: José Babin, Nadine Walsh et Alain Lavallée
Direction of photography: Stéphane Thériault
Artistique direction: Jean-Nicolas Demers
Editing: Elias Djemil-Matassov
Music: Guido DelFabbro
Puppets: Marie-Pierre Simard, Leigh Gillam, Alain Lavallée, José Babin