Coproduction Théâtre Incliné and Danse K par K

We work on the notion of thresholds. The thresholds that are experienced at an intimate level – the transitions, the feeling of unbalance, the fear of moving forward – as well as those felt collectively. The threshold is also the shock that comes before any awareness, this space between two states, the moment that foregoes change.

Research stage:
In 2020-21, as she was about to create a new show, José Babin started a research questioning the modes of writing of dance and puppetry.

How can an author “of words” write a visual piece?

To what extent does the type of writing of the choreographer, working with dancers, differ from mine, with puppetry and actors?

How can we cross our disciplines to create a work of art that allows the viewer to put the pieces together? A poetic artwork reaching out to the senses while holding a strong dramaturgy?

The research team is composed of artists with various yet thorough approaches:
Scenic writing and head of research: José Babin.
Choreographic writing: Karine Ledoyen (Dance K by K)
Writing of the words: Marie-Louise Bibish-Mumbu, Julie Vincent and Marie-Hélène Larose-Truchon
Dancers: Patrick Lamothe and Elinor Fueter
Puppeteer-visual artist: Julie Desrosiers.
Technical direction: Alain Lavallée
Dramaturgy advice: Josianne Dulong-Savignac
Creative Residencies: Maison des arts de Laval

Show to come:
We work with dancers and puppeteers, mixing what makes the essence of being alive and of the inanimate. It is about people who are watching other people. It’s about a moment of transformation. About people on the threshold of change.

On the way to the show:
Until we can host the show on a stage, we will offer some pieces of it to the public. The “BUBBLES” are sneak peaks into what has come out of our research and of our common writing. From a unique creative material, we have molded independent pieces which together compose a path. As if the hoped-for whole was a collection that could be read one poem at a time. The first bubble is an installation inspired by a text from Marie-Hélène Larose-Truchon and which presents the remains of body movements we explored with our dancers and puppeteers.



Professionnal space


Making of 1 (in french)

Making of 2 (in french)

Technical rider (in french)